RBSE 10th Time Table 2025

By: FastResult

Updated on: December 2, 2024 | 5:49 pm, October 13, 2018 | 11:44 pm

  • The Rajasthan Board Madhyamik (10th) Examination will be held from 07th March to 30th March.

All Students can check their Rajasthan Board Madhyamik (10th) Time Table 2025 through the below-provided table.

वार / दिनांक विषय (कोड)
गुरुवार, 07 मार्च, 2025 अंग्रेजी (02)
शुक्रवार, 08 मार्च, 2025 महाशिवरात्रि अवकाश
शनिवार, 09 मार्च, 2025 अन्तराल
रविवार, 10 मार्च, 2025 रविवार अवकाश
सोमवार 11 मार्च, 2025 अन्तराल
मंगलवार, 12 मार्च, 2025 हिन्दी (01)
बुधवार, 13 मार्च, 2025 अन्तराल
गुरुवार, 14 मार्च, 2025 अन्तराल
शुक्रवार, 15 मार्च, 2025 अन्तराल
शनिवार, 16 मार्च, 2025 सामाजिक विज्ञान (08)
रविवार, 17 मार्च, 2025 रविवार अवकाश
सोमवार, 18 मार्च, 2025 अन्तराल
मंगलवार, 19 मार्च, 2025 अन्तराल
बुधवार, 20 मार्च, 2025 विज्ञान (07)
गुरुवार, 21 मार्च, 2025 अन्तराल
शुक्रवार, 22 मार्च, 2025 ऑटोमोटिव (101),
सौंदर्य एवं स्वास्थ्य (102),
स्वास्थ्य देखभाल (103),
सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी व सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी की समर्पित सेवाऐं (IT & ITes) (104),
फुटकर बिकी (105),
ट्यूरिज्म एण्ड हॉस्पिटलिटी (106),
निजी सुरक्षा (107),
परिधान निर्माण, वस्त्र और गृहसज्जा (108),
इलेक्ट्रोनिक्स एंड हार्डवेयर (109),
कृषि (110),
प्लम्बर (111),
टेलीकॉम (112),
बैंकिंग फाइनेशियल सर्विस एण्ड इन्श्योरस (113),
कन्स्ट्रक्शन (114),
फूड प्रोसेसिंग (115),
शनिवार, 23 मार्च, 2025 संस्कृतम् (प्रथम प्रश्न पत्र ) (95/1)
रविवार, 24 मार्च, 2025 रविवार व होलिका दहन अवकाश
सोमवार 25 मार्च, 2025 धुलण्डी अवकाश
मंगलवार 26 मार्च, 2025 अन्तराल
बुधवार, 27 मार्च, 2025 गणित (09)
गुरुवार 28 मार्च, 2025 अन्तराल
शुक्रवार, 29 मार्च, 2025 गुड फ्राईडे अवकाश
शनिवार, 30 मार्च, 2025 तृतीय भाषा संस्कृत (71),
उर्दू (72),
गुजराती (73),
सिन्धी ( 74),
पंजाबी (75),
संस्कृतम् (द्वितीय प्रश्न पत्र ) (95/2)

Rajasthan Board exams for class 10th can begin from March 7, 2025. The date for the commencement of the exams is going into the various newspapers. However, the RBSE 10th Time Table 2025 isn't available on the official website. According to the latest news, Rajasthan Board 10th Class Date Sheet 2025 will be released terribly shortly. The Board of secondary education, Rajasthan, Ajmer can release the timetable for class 10 students will be available as soon because it will be prepared, said RBSE chairman B.L. Chaudhary. So, the students will now start the preparation as the beginning date of the exams has been disclosed. Rajasthan Board 10th Class Date Sheet is available online on the official website i.e. rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in. It'll be present within the pdf format. To know more regarding RBSE 10th timetable 2025, you'll go through the complete page.

Rajasthan Board of secondary education RBSE has an authority of declaring the 10th class board examination timetable for the educational year of 2025. Current batch students are thirstily waiting for time table announcement, the expected month of January 2025 to release the 10th class Exam Date through official website of Rajasthan Board of secondary education. Students who will check and download the timetable for 10th class date sheet from us, we add all exam subjects with dates or the official link for any reference on after RBSE announcement.

About Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education

Board of secondary education, Rajasthan abbreviated of BSER, it was set up within the year 1957. It's a board of education for school level education within the Indian state of Rajasthan. BSER is a state of government of Rajasthan and It's headquarters placed on Ajmer. This Board is responsible for seeking quality education and development of secondary education within the state of Rajasthan. It any announcement like date sheet, exam notification, results they're announced through its official website of http://rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in/.

Rajasthan state 10th Class school students will check and download the board exam schedules from December to January 2019. BSER has an authority of controlling and organizing the timetable publication through its official website. Last year, the 10th board examination starts and ended within the month of March 2019, thus in this year also expected for exam commenced within the month of March 2019. With the help of exam dates, students who will get ready for studies and further reference process.

Important Points related to RBSE 10th Time Table 2025

The students who are going to the exams of class 10 from Rajasthan board should know the important points of the timetable. To do so, you'll go through the points given below:

  • For any kind of changes within the timetable, the students are notified through the newspaper.
  • The candidates can have to pay attention of the time and date of the exams.
  • Candidates are allowed to appear for the exams only within the assigned exam centre.
  • If the examiner or the monitor can get any unfair means that then you'll not be allowed to give the exams.
  • In the answer sheet, the students are allowed to write the name within the specified column.
  • It is mandatory for the students to write down his/her name on the question paper.
  • The students are not allowed to carry any kind of electronic devices like mobile, calculator, electronic diary etc.
  • After finishing the exam, the students are suggested to write “Finished” on the last page so draw a skew line.

How to prepare for the Exam:

  • Students should know their syllabus clearly in a systematic manner.
  • Students will solve previous question papers.
  • Students should plan their studies according to subjects.             
  • Students should keep themselves fit, they must healthy food also do yoga to keep the mind fresh.

How to download Rajasthan Board 10th Class Date Sheet 2025?   

The students are suggested to download the timetable, once, it'll be disclosed. In order to get Rajasthan Board 10th timetable 2025, you'll need to follow certain steps. To do so, you'll refer to the points given below:

1st Step: Visit the official website of Rajasthan board, Ajmer. To do so, you'll need to click on the link provided above.

2nd Step: whereas reaching the homepage, you'll be able to see the Rajasthan Board 10th timetable 2025. It'll be available within the section “Latest Updates” at the right corner.

3rd Step: Then, you'll have to hit the link of the timetable.

4th Step: By following the above steps, you'll be ready to see your timetable.

5th Step: finally, you'll be able to check your timetable. Once checking it, you're suggested to take the printout of it for the future reference.

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