- UP Board Intermediate (12th) Result 2025 Not Declared
- You can also check Compartment Result and Time Table 2025 in this app.
- Dear students you can check UP Board 12th Result 2025 using your Roll No.
- Examination Date: 24 February to 12 March 2025
- Result Declaration Date: April 2025 (Expected)
Previous Year's Exam Result Analysis
Result Year | Students | Girls Passed | Boys Passed | Overall Pass % |
2024 | 24,52,830 | 88.42 | 77.78 | 82.60 |
2023 | 27,68,180 | 83 | 69.34 | 75.52 |
2022 | 24,10,971 | 90.15 | 81.21 | 85.33 |
2021 | 26,10,247 | 98.40 | 97.47 | 97.88 |
2020 | 24,84,479 | 81.96 | 68.88 | 74 |
2019 | 25,77,887 | 76.46 | 64.4 | 70.06 |
2018 | 26,04,093 | 78.44 | 67.36 | 72.43 |
2017 | 26,24,681 | 88.8 | 77.16 | 82.5 |
2016 | 30,71,892 | 81.91 | 82.23 | 87.99 |
2015 | 29,24,768 | 77.87 | 78.55 | 83.5 |
2014 | 31,27,000 | 73.62 | 74.12 | 79.67 |
The UP Board not declare the UP 12th Result 2025, The UP 12th Result 2025 has been declared on 2nd Week of April 2025 (Tentative). Stay tuned to the Fast Result website and application for every information related to Board Results, we will try to give you firstly update related to result. UP board students are eagerly waiting for the UP Intermediate Result 2025 for a long time. Tell you that the UP board 10th and 12th Result has been published on Fast Result Website and Mobile Application. Students has been able to check their results on this.
UP Board 12th Result 2025 Now At Only A Few Clicks Away:
There are around 29 boards available all across the India and UP Board is one of the best boards which conduct the examinations. Recently, UP Board Class 12 Intermediate Result 2025 is going to be released so the class 12th students can check their results. If you are one of those students who are seeking a trusted source for UP Board Result 2025 Class 12, you are on the right page. Here, students will be able to get their results and also get the latest updates regarding admit card, time table and the result for each year. However, around 3 million students have enrolled for UP Board 12 Class Examination in 2025.
UP Board 12th Class Students Must Keep Following Essential Things In Mind:
UP Board is now taking the cases of cheating on a serious note and has made Aadhar card or any other identity proof for the candidates as well as invigilators. The main aim of the UP board behind doing the same is to avoid cheating cases inside the examination centers. According to the source, the UP board has appointed a special team of invigilators to keep a strict eye in the examination halls and to take immediate action if any kind of mishap takes place. Hence, it is advisable for all the students to give the exam carefully and to avoid being a victim of such things. After the examination, they should wait until the official announces the UP Intermediate Class Result 2025.
UP Board Class 12 Admit Card: An Essential Document
One of the pivotal documents for the class 12 students who are going to appear in the exams is their admit card. To get the admit card, the candidates should go to the official website upmsp.edu.in. Alternatively, they can download admit card directly by using FastResult application, on their mobile phone. To download the admit card without any kind of difficulties, the students must ensure that they have the prerequisite information including their roll number. The admit card is an important document that has complete information related to the students and the exams too. It is recommended to carry the admit card while going for the examination hall. However, UP Board Intermediate Result is also fast approaching in few days so guys, be prepared.
As a result, evaluation work has been completed in time. Due to the delays in the results of the 12th examination of the UP Board 12th Result, more than 58 lakh students are anxiously waiting in the results. The UP Board will be declared results of 12th class in the last week of June.

A Default Procedure To Check Up Board Result 2025 12th
According to the recent updates, it is estimated that the UP Intermediate Class Result 2025 will be released on 2nd Week of April 2025 (Tentative). All the students of class 12th who are waiting for the intermediate examination result can check the Up Board Result 2025 12th with optimum ease, after the result announcement. What they need to do is to go through the below-mentioned steps carefully and they will be able to see the UP Board Intermediate Result at anytime from anywhere.
Have a quick look up at the steps:
Open your computer system and then launch the web browser you are using.
Here, you will have to enter the URL www.fastresult.in and press the ‘Enter’ button.
Next, you will come across the option to type the state in which you need to choose the ‘UP Board’.
Here, you will come across the UP 12th Class Result 2025 link that you have to click on it.
In the next window, you need to fill up all the student details correctly.
Once you entered the credentials, you will be able to see the UP Board Result 2025 Class 12 on your computer system. In case of any troubles regarding the troubles, you should make sure the detailed you entered is correct. If they are correct, you should try again as there can be a server issue due to which you are unable to see the UP Board Class 12th Result 2025.
Students are also able to check their 12th Class Result through online mode. UPMSP (Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad) was established in the year of 1921 by an act of United Provinces Legislative Council. It has the responsibility to control the 10th & 12th examinations in the Uttar Pradesh state. The headquarter of UP board is established in Allahabad. It has 4 regional centres located in Varanasi, Bareilly, Meerut & Allahabad. It also prescribes textbooks and courses for High school or Intermediate level. Here we are giving details about UP Intermediate Result 2025.
Uttar Pradesh is the state board which conducts the exams annually. For session 2018, candidates appeared for the exams in the month of Feb. While in the month of April, the board came up with the result publication followed by 10th class. But what about UP board 12th result 2025? Keeping in mind its last year trend we can say that Board Result will announce expectedly by the end of June. UP board 12th class examinations will be fixed in the month same as that of the previous year. After 12th class examinations for the academic session, 2025 candidates will be excited to know all the detail related to their result. So check the table of the events provided below followed by the plan and many more.
Events |
Important Dates |
Examinations Date |
24 February to 12 March 2025 |
Result Date |
April 2025 (Tentative) |
Result: To get the availability of you’re UP Intermediate Result 2025 Click Here
UP Board 12th Result 2025 Expected Date:
The UP Board will start the intermediate exams from March/April 2025 (Tentative). It will be conducted till 12th May 2025. Students those will seem in the examination, sincerely waiting for their results. UP Board 12th Result has been given to candidates on the June, 2025. Results can be searched through online mode by filling the required details such as roll no. and school code. UP 12th result will be published jointly for all the streams. For the ease of candidates, we also give the link to check the result on our page.
How Does FastResult Help The Students To Get Their UP 12th Class Result 2025?
Alternatively, there is also a reliable way to check the result even through your smartphone. So, why are you waiting for? To check the UP Board 12th Results 2025, you should make use of the FastResult app for the quick response.
Check out the Guidelines:
Firstly, you need to download FastResult application from the play store and install it on your phone.
Apart from that, you can directly launch the FastResult application if you already have it on your mobile phone.
Simply, you have to enter the login details to sign into your account. Also, it is advisable to create an account on FastResult application if you don’t have it.
After login, you will come across the UP 12th Results 2025 page.
Here, you should enter such as roll number, name and other essential information needed to check the UP Result 2025 Class 12th.
Click on the ‘Submit’ option and you will be able to see the Up Board Result 2025 12th. However, there is an option to download it for future reference.
On the other hand, if you are running into any issues regarding anything about the FastResult application, you should approach our technical department. We are here all the time to rectify your problems at anytime. We are open 24by7 and help you in every possible manner so that you could have a great UP Result 2025 Class 12th ahead.

What UP Intermediate Result 2025 will consist of?
Through this section, you will come to understand how your result will appear once it is published officially. So, let’s check it.
- Roll No.
- Roll Code
- Name of Student
- Name of Father
- Name of Mother
- Marks obtained in Theory and Practical
- Aggregate Marks
- Division
- Result – Fail/Pass
What to Do After 12th Class?
One of the most important problem after the 12th class is WHAT NEXT? Life of a candidate is very sorted until he/she passes the 12th Class exam. There are so multiple career options that being confused is normal. A candidate can clear out the confusion through:
- First of all by knowing what you really love to do. There is no point in putting effort which you do not like.
- Once you understand what you like seek opportunities which will let you work on the same field.
Career Opportunities After 12th Class
If we talk about the career options then we can say that there are numerous options after 12th. You can each go for jobs like Railway recruitment, Police Bharti, SSC jobs etc. On the other hand, if you plan to study more then also there are many options you can go further.
- Engineering and Medical have secured options. For engineering admission, JEE Main is taken at the national level and other than that every state manages its own entrance exam. whereas Medical admissions throughout the country are done on the basis of NEET.
- An Architecture career, you can appear for NATA and JEE Main.
- BBA is another common career choice among the candidates followed by MBA as per your interest.
- Apart from this, you can also go for B. Pharma, B.Sc, Fashion designing, LLB, Hotel management, Defence etc are also the options possible to build your career.
UP board 12th Result 2019 vs 2018
The statics of an outcome plays a very big role at the result time. Here we are according to see the difference among the result of UP board for the 2018 and 2019. So, let’s first see with UP board 12th result 2018.

In 2018, the UP board has published the 12th class result on April 29. Although the board has approved the date and timings of the result earlier to a week ago. This improved the excitement among the candidates. But not only the candidates were excited but also their guardians, school and other websites which took the responsibility for joining to the students with their result. Among all these, we were including in the queue. Uttar Pradesh board is one of the biggest board where each year lakhs of candidates have registered for themselves. In 2018 around six lakh candidates have seemed for the exams. Out of the total, 29,81,327 candidates have seemed for 12th class examinations while 36,55,591 candidates appeared for 10th class examinations. 72.43% was the total pass percentage of the students of the 12th class. The girls of the state obtain a total of 78.44% while the boys obtained a total of 67.36%.
However, the pass percentage was dipped by 10% as compared to the previous year. So, in 2019, we are assuming the increment in this year percentage. As the Uttar Pradesh board is doing a lot of efforts in developing its management system. So, remember all the points we can say that in 2019 there will be an increase in the number of appeared candidates as well as in the passing ratio.
Some Important Facts about UP Board
Let’s explore more regarding our UP board. Uttar Pradesh board has developed into the functioning in the year 1921. UP board is the managing body for organizing the exams at the state level and publishing the result annually. In 2018, lakhs of candidates have registered for the exams but more than 11 lakh candidates have skipped from the exams. And this is found that most of the candidates were from our neighbouring countries like Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh. In order to bring development in the evaluation of the result, the board has designated the special task force or other security means. This would apparently stop the cheating on the board.
For the first time, the papers of the toppers of 2018 were uploaded online website in order to give help to the next generation. Apart from this, the candidates will also able to know the grading system included by the board. After the announcement of the result board also given the facility for re-checking and re-verifying. Above all UP board is also making the adhaar card necessary for the students of 9th and 11th class who will seem for the board exams 2019. This step is taken to destroy the difficulty that on the behalf of one student to another student is looking for the examinations.
UP Board Intermediate Result Analysis
Here we have provided the 12th class exams result in statics for the past five years:
As per the data provided in the table, total 31,52,961 candidates have seemed in the exam. In the 12th class examinations, total 82.62 % of candidates were passed out of which girls pass percentage was 88.80 and boys pass percentage was 77.16. Girls have obtained a better percentage than the boys. The pass percentage also has been improved year by year.
In the last year: A total of 68,21,869 candidates seemed for the examination. As many as 87.66% candidates in 10th passed while 87.99% from 12th class has cleared the UP Board exam. In intermediate, out of the total of 29,17,268 candidates, including 16,12,756 boys & 13,04,512 girls, a total of 25,66,772 passed the exams.
In 2015: In the 12th class, the overall passing percentage was 88.83 for girls being 92.16% while for the boys it was 85.91%. The overall pass percentage last year was 92.21%.
In 2014: The overall passing percentage this year for a total no. of students 30.48 lakh who had seemed in the exams was 92.21, a drop of 0.47% from the last year. Around 28.10 lakh of them secured the needed pass marks.
In 2013: Possibly the bonanza of the laptop has worked shocks among 12th class examinees of the Uttar Pradesh Board this year as the overall result reached at 92.68% highest in the last ten years. From last year’s 89.40% and progress of 3.28% has for the first time produced UP Board intermediate results closer to its national equivalents, including CBSE or ISC. Once repeat the girls out-performed the boys comprehensively with an overall passing percentage of 96.32 upon 89.79 of the boys.
UP board 12th Result 2025 – Roll. No, Name, School, Subject and District Wise:

The UP Intermediate Result 2025 has been published by the Uttar Pradesh Board (The Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Allahabad). The Intermediate Examination of UP board was been between Feb to Mar 2025. UP Board 12th Result 2025, Students, need to fill their roll number in the box given on the website to get their result. They can download the provisional mark sheet given by the board and get the original mark sheet from their schools as and when updated. The Higher Secondary exam is managed annually and simultaneously in all over UP. The main aim of this board is to develop the education level all over the state. There are many governments and private schools are associated under this board. Board plans the syllabus for all classes in UP. UP board 12th Result 2025 has been published on upmsp.edu.in and FastResult website. The students are advised to connect with this website to get the new update regarding UP Intermediate Result 2025. If you face any problem to reach the official website then you can use the link which was given on this page to access UP board 12th Result 2025.
All the details about the UP board examinations have been written above, candidates are advised to go through with that, for new updates candidates can connect with us and also share our website with your family and friends on social platforms, you can follow us on Facebook to get current updates and also follow on Twitter, and don’t forget to register us to get direct notifications to your email, this information, if improved will be notified soon.
Some important instructions for UP 12th Result 2025:
- After checking the result, students should take printout or screenshot of the result until the original mark sheet got.
- After the publication of result, students can obtain their original scorecard from their respective schools.
- The original mark sheet will be available in a month after the declaration of result.
- Students should see all the details mentioned in the mark sheet correctly.
- In case of any error found, the candidate must contact their school for corrections.
- Candidates must keep safe their passing certificate, transfer certificate, mark sheet, character certificate and other documents for admission purpose.
- Students will also have options to look at the improvement examinations.
UP Board 12th Result 2019 Topper and Merit List with marks sheet:
UP Intermediate Result 2025 - Exam will be published very soon by the Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Allahabad, UP. It is assumed that UP Board will publish the UP Board 12th Arts Result 2025, UP Board 12th Science Result 2025, UP Board 12th Commerce Result 2025 in the last Week of . Results of 12th class UP Board Exam 2025 can be searched online mode on the official website will notify each and every update about UP Board 12th Result 2025. Candidates who want to get detail on their mobile and email can register their details on our website UP 12th Class Result 2025 page. After the final declaration of UP Board 12th Class Result 2020-2025 then you can ready to download your memorandum, merit list, marks sheet, toppers list and highest score list in the complete state of Uttar Pradesh.

UP Board 12th Compartmental Result 2025:
After the publication UP 12th Result 2025, some students who have to disqualify in this exam are checking for the supplementary exam date. A candidate who was not able to pass the main exam has submitted the Supplementary exam form and again seemed for UP Board Supply Exam (Compartmental Exam). UP Board has successfully completed their 12th class Supplementary Exam 2025 in June/July, and large numbers of aspirants have seemed to attend their board exams who have to disqualify in one or two subjects. Good updates for all students who seemed in the Uttar Pradesh Board 12th class examination. The UP Board 12th Supply results 2025 will be out soon. All those candidates who failed to clear the class 12th class board examination managed by the Uttar Pradesh Board of School Education looked for the supplementary exam. The UP Board will soon publish the result on the official website. This exam is necessary for all the candidates, and those who pass in this exam are available to go for higher education. Every year a huge number of candidates gives this exam to improve their result.
Additional Note:
We wish you a bright future ahead! You will get a good percentage in your UP 12th class Results 2025. On the other hand, if you are from the 10th class UP board and looking for the UP 10th class Results 2025, all you need to do is to click here and see what you are looking for.
FAQs About UP Board 12th Result 2025
Q1: What is the full name of UP Board?
A: The full name of the UP Board is Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Siksha Parishad (UPMSP).
Q2: Is it compulsory to qualify in both Theory and Practical examination?
A: Yes, it is compulsory to qualify in both Theory as well as Practical examination separately.
Q3: What is the procedure for re-checking in UP Board 12th Class Result 2025?
A: UP Board gives re-evaluation form on their official website. Students can submit the form and apply for re-evaluating their results.
Q4: What is the Fee for re-evaluating or re-checking Marks per subject?
A: The per subject fee for re-evaluating is Rs.100. The fee is applicable for Practical and Theory subjects.
Q5: What is the passing criteria for the UP Board 12th Class?
A: The minimum marks needed to pass in UP Board 12th Class examination is 33%.
Q6: What is the date of UP 12th Result 2025?
A:The UP Board 12th Result may get released by the April, 2025
Q7:How can I check Class 12th 2025 UP Board Result?
A:UP Board 12th Results can be checked through the official website and by entering the hall ticket there.
Q8:What is the official website of UP Board 12th Results 2025?
A:The UP Board 12th Results official website is Upmsp.Edu.In.
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