FastResult has its official Telegram group where you can get all kinds of exam-related updates, Free study material links, and even get notified for the FastResult Giveaway.
To participate in FastResult Giveaway you must join the FastResult Telegram Group.
To join the FastResult Telegram Group You have to follow a few simple steps that are mentioned below.
- Click Here to Join.
- After clicking on the Joining link “Telegram App” will open.
- Now Click on “JOIN”.
- Congratulations! Now, You have successfully joined the FastResult Telegram Group. From now you will receive notification for all the PDFs and news.
Since FastResult is a result-showing platform, we have created a Board Wise Telegram Group for the ease of students. By joining the FastResult Board Wise Telegram Group, you get exam date updates and board result updates on your phone.
To join the telegram group for the specific board, go through the below-given list:

- Shared results must be checked from Fastresult App/Website.
- All participants have to share the result in PDF on Telegram Group.
- Results must be shared within the given time period.
- Prize will be distributed after the participant’s verification.
- FastResult holds the authority to modify the t&c.