Evaluation of examination copies has been done! UP Board High School 2020 would be releasing at the end of June 2020
Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Dinesh Sharma has made it clear that no fixed date has been announced by the government or the UP board for the 10th 12th result. He said that the results can be declared anytime from 25th June to 28th June. It depends on how quickly the board produces the result. This reaction of the Deputy Chief Minister has come on the news that it was said that the UP Board 10th 12th result will be declared on June 27th.
UP Board High School 2020 results are likely to be released by the end of June 2020. In the simple words, Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, UPMSP would be releasing UP High School Result 2020 on the official website i.e. upresults.nic.in. Apart from that, the students who are seeking for the same can also visit fastresult.com without any difficulties.
UP Board officials announced the release of the UP Board 10th Result 2020 before the end of the June 2020 yet don’t promise to release the quick results, speaking on the conditions of Coronavirus pandemic. After the release of the Bihar Board class 10th and 12th results 2020, the entire focus of India shifts to its Uttar Pradesh.
UPMSP, stands for the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad has completed the evaluation process, said a report published in various news sources. On the other hand, the remaining work before the declaration of the UP Board 10th Result 2020 is highly expected to be done by the end of May 2020.
A Result Date Confirmation From The Board Secretary Nina Srivastava:
UP Board Officials further informed about UP Board 10th Result 2020 that the working tenure of the board secretary Nina Srivastava is going to be completed on June 30th. Hence, every member of the board is investing all efforts to declare the UP Board High School Result 2020 ahead of that date. Apart from that, the Board Secretary also announced about the compartmental examination. As per the pandemic attach there would be no clarity on how the further exams link supplementary examination, compartment examination, and others will be held.
How Would Fast Result Help?
Since more than 56 lakh students all across the state will be checking their UP Board High School Result 2020, it is expected to experience heavy load on the official website. To get the results, students can get registered with fastresult.com by visiting the link mentioned here. Apart from that, you can also get the latest information, updates, or anything about the UP Board 10th Result 2020, consider visiting our website would be beneficial for you.
However, we wish the class 10th students a great UP Board 10th Result 2020. Also, we want each student to have a lucrative career ahead!
You can also see here UP Board 12th Result 2020
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