Maharashtra Schools For Classes 1 To 9, 11 To Function Till April 30

By: FastResult

Updated on: March 29, 2022 | 11:26 am, March 29, 2022 | 11:26 am

Maharashtra Education Department has announced that schools for the students from classes 1 to 9 and 11 affiliated to the state board will function ‘full day’ until April 30, 2022 to compensate for the academic loss caused due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. As per reports the decision will affect the summer vacation schedule of the students.

Saturdays to be full Working Day

The board conducts the annual exams for the students from class 1 to 9 by April 15, 2022 and vacations commence thereafter. The notification released by Maharashtra Government Joint Secretary IM Kazi stated that schools will function full day on Saturdays instead of half day and voluntarily on Sundays. The notification further adds that class 1 to 9 and 11 exams will be conducted in the third week of April and the results will be declared by May 2022.

Pune District Principals Association PResident Harishchandra Gaikwad stated that the government should have issued the notification by February End as schools have already completed preparations for conducting the exams and also released the timetable.he also added that parents have already planned their summer vacations as well. 

Results by May 2022

According to the new notification released, the state education department has asked schools to declare the results by May but no dates have been issued. If there was a deadline, it would have been easier for the schools to plan, he further stated. Calling the notification ‘Ambiguous’ Gaikwad further stated that instead of issuing the notification the state education department should have re-opened the school reopening dates to June 7 or 9 instead of June 16 for the new academic session.


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