Karnataka 2nd PUC Result 2020 : Karnataka 2nd PUC Result 2020 Declared, 69.20% Pass

By: FastResult

Updated on: July 14, 2020 | 12:25 pm, July 14, 2020 | 12:25 pm

Karnataka 2nd PUC result has been declared. The result is available on the fastresult.in website and Mobile APP.

Karnataka 2nd PUC result has been declared. The result is available on the fastresult.in website and Mobile APP.. 69.20% of the total students have passed the Class 12 exam this year. In Science stream 76.2% of the students have passed. The pass percentage in Commerce and Arts is 65.52% and 41.27%, respectively. A total of 5,56,267 students had appeared for the 2nd PUC exam this year of which 3,84,947 students have passed.

68.73% of the girl students have passed. The pass percentage among boys is 54.73%.

State Education Minister S. Suresh Kumar has said that the 2nd PUC result will be sent to students through SMS. There is no need for students to come to colleges to see their results, he said.

The Karnataka 2nd PUC result is usually released in April. This year it got delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Schools and colleges in Karnataka and other states have remained close since March 16. As per the new guideline released by the Home Ministry on June 29, educational institutions will remain closed till July 31.

The Department of Pre University Education, which is the higher secondary education department in the Karnataka, holds this exam in the state. There are 1202 Government Pre-University colleges, 637 Aided Pre-University colleges, 1936 Unaided Pre-University colleges, 165 bifurcated Pre-University colleges & 13 Corporation Pre-university colleges.


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