CBSE Class 10, 12 Passing Criteria : Official FAQs on Grace Marks, Passing Marks & More Details Here

By: FastResult

Updated on: February 3, 2025 | 1:35 pm, February 3, 2025 | 1:35 pm

The CBSE board exams for class 10 and 12 will start on February 15. Around 44 lakh students will be taking these exams. Many students are wondering how they can score above 90% or what types of questions will appear in the exams. CBSE has answered some of the most common questions, and admit cards are already out.

How to Pass the CBSE Exams

To pass the CBSE board exams, students must meet the following criteria:

Class Criteria
10 Students need 33% marks combining theory and internal assessment.
12 Students need 33% marks in both theory and practical exams separately.

Common Questions Answered

1. Does CBSE Repeat Questions from Previous Years?

If you really understand the subject, it doesn’t matter whether the questions are from previous years or not. The most important thing is to focus on learning the concepts well.

2. How Can I Score More Than 90% in the CBSE Exams?

First of all, do not run after marks and percentage. The aim of schooling should be to gain knowledge and also to become a good human being. However, the following are some tips to score good marks:-

  • Go to school every day: Teachers are there to help you. Make sure you attend all your classes.
  • Make a study plan: Plan how you will study throughout the year, and focus on revising more in the months leading up to the exams.
  • Take mock tests: Practice with mock tests to find out what you’re good at and what needs more attention.
  • Write out answers: Writing down answers during your revision helps you remember better.
  • Solve sample papers: This helps you understand how much time you need for each question.
  • Stay healthy: Eat well, exercise, and take breaks to relax so you don’t get too stressed.

3. How Are Marks Given in CBSE Maths?

In Maths, CBSE gives marks based on the steps you follow to solve a problem. If you make a mistake but show the correct steps, you can still get marks. So, always write your steps clearly.

4. Top 5 Tips for CBSE Exam Preparation

Following are the tips for CBSE exam preparation:-

  • Attend all your classes: One should attend school regularly and attend classes regularly.
  • Stick to a study plan: Make a suitable study plan for the entire year and the last few months before the exam based on your preparation for each subject.
  • Take mock tests: Take multiple mock tests, assess your performance and improve the weak areas.
  • Write answers during revision:Revision by writing down answers will boost your confidence.
  • Manage your time: Make a subject-wise strategy based on the sample question paper of each subject to assess the time required to solve each answer, so that you can solve all the questions and have time for revision.

5. Does CBSE Give Grace Marks?

The board exams are meant to test the knowledge acquired by students during the academic year. If a student scores 33% marks, he/she is declared passed. If a student is unable to score 33% marks and misses by 01 mark or less, a decision may be taken to award grace marks.

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